About Us
Moms and Kids Health is your source for information about building healthy families from the inside out, consistent with Chiropractic principles of proactive care. We bring you content on topics that matter. We believe in learning from expert professionals and honoring expert parents.
We believe that good health starts on the inside, and that healthy people are best prepared to handle whatever stressors come at them. We believe that there is a valid place for outside-in medical/sick care intervention, however that should be considered a short-term solution vs. a long-term approach to a healthy life.
Dr. D and a happy healthy chiro family
We recognize that information is available from many sources. We also know that much of it is scattered and not all that relatable or usable by typical moms. Our goal is to provide you content that you can actually put to good use in your busy lives.
We’re not just for moms. We welcome all who are interested in healthy living and helping themselves and others reach their full God-given potential.